Baldwin Block Canvases

191 Fayette Street, Martinsville, VA, USA Get Directions
191 Fayette Street, Martinsville, VA, USA

The Baldwin Block Canvases depict a streetscape view of buildings and places significant to the history of this location on Fayette Street and the culture, including the Baldwin Pharmacy, Jobbers Pants Co., and Saint Mary’s Hospital among others. The three outdoor murals are on the Market Street side of the New College Institute building. Artist Amanda Honore’ Donley and representatives of NCI consulted with staff and board members of the Fayette Area Historical Initiative (FAHI) who recalled the vibrant African American community that inhabited the Baldwin Block during the early 1900s. Their guidance provided inspiration for the project. 

Artist Bio 
Artist Amanda Honore’ Donley is a third generation artist. Her grandmother Anne Honore’ was a milliner and operated a ladies hat and fashion shop on Walnut Street in the 1940-50’s.  Her father Tom was an architect and artist and began his career in Martinsville before moving to San Diego California where Amanda was born. She has operated Rose Window Studio since 1984, located in Martinsville until 2009 when moving to Woolwine VA.