Named for the Carolina Silverbell tree, the Silverbell Trail in Martinsville is a quarter mile long. It will take you on a lovely wooded journey through the heart of town. Enjoy the ironwork sculptures at each end of the trail and look for the eight finely crafted bronze pieces on your walk. They include a dove, bunny, grasshopper, trout, frog, turtle, quail, and snake. Trail surfaces include asphalt portions connected by a well built boardwalk.
If you wish a longer hike, the Silverbell Trail connects to the Uptown Spur portion of the Dick & Willie Passage as well as the entire 6.5 mile rail trail. In addition, it will lead you to the Activate Bike Barn where you may “Borrow a Bike, Bring it Back”, free of charge. The Bike Barn is open from April 1 through October 31, come take a ride on the Dick & Willie.